Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Star Tribune: Pawlenty unveils plan to revamp health care system in Minnesota

Pawlenty's health care plan would allow patients to view records on secure websites and use debit cards to tap flexible spending accounts. For 50,000 state employees, it could be a reality by next year.

Last update: July 29, 2008 - 11:22 PM

You're sick. Achy. You've got a nagging feeling that maybe this is a recurrence of that bug you picked up a few months ago.

Imagine logging on to your secured personal medical Web profile, checking results of previous lab tests, doing a few quick price comparisons on treatment options, then using your flexible spending account debit card to pay for eligible out-of-pocket costs.

That's what could soon be in store for all Minnesotans and what will be reality for the state's 50,000 employees as early as next year, Gov. Tim Pawlenty said Tuesday in a major health-care rollout that he said puts Minnesota in the forefront of consumer-friendly medicine.

Speaking to a health care alliance group at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul, Pawlenty said his goal is to give all Minnesotans access to online personal health portfolios by 2011.

Click here to read the entire article.