Monday, June 18, 2007

New York Times Features Pawlenty and QComp Initiative

The New York Times has an article today about Governor Pawlenty and his efforts to modernize teacher compensation.

Here are some key excerpts:

"Here in Minneapolis, for instance, the teachers’ union is cooperating with Minnesota’s Republican governor on a plan in which teachers in some schools work with mentors to improve their instruction and get bonuses for raising student achievement. John Roper-Batker, a science teacher here, said his first reaction was dismay when he heard his school was considering participating in the plan in 2004.

“I wanted to get involved just to make sure it wouldn’t happen,” he said.

But after learning more, Mr. Roper-Batker said, “I became a salesman for it.” He and his colleagues have voted in favor of the plan twice by large margins."

Click on the logo to read the full article.

TIME MAGAZINE: Pawlenty Leading on Health Care and Energy

This week's issue of Time Magazine has an article about state and local government taking on initiatives without the federal government.

Here's what they have to say about Governor Pawlenty:
"The Minnesota Governor's new health initiative rewards people who are serious about prevention and makes medicine more affordable. The state is set to reach a 20% ethanol standard by 2013 and draw 25% of its energy from renewables by 2025."

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Wall Street Journal: Governor Veto

If he's looking for tips on handling Nancy Pelosi, President Bush might want to consult Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota. The Republican Governor is using his veto power to good effect on policy and making himself more popular.

Last month the Democrats who run the Legislature in St. Paul pushed through a big tax and spending increase in their $35 billion state budget. Last week Mr. Pawlenty responded by vetoing all six of the spending and tax bills the Democrats sent him.

Click here to read the full article (subscription required).